The information related to each branch is correct at the time of writing. Further details will be provided as soon as they become available.
All amounts are in Australian currency unless otherwise noted.
International membership is currently available with our largest branch, NFA Victoria
Please restrict telephone calls between 0900-2200 Hrs Australian Eastern Standard Time (2300-1200 Hrs GMT) unless otherwise noted.
Forming a new Branch of NFA
Any association with similar or compatible aims may apply to become a branch of NFA. Existing associations or newly formed ones are welcome to join. NFA does not exert centralised control over its branches, rather the National organisation exists to provide a coordinating function between Branches and to give NFA a voice at the National level.
The only strict requirement is that Branches must agree to abide by the National Constitution. Generally it would be expected that a clause to this effect be inserted in the Branch's own constitution.
Organisations may apply for admission as a Branch at any time to the National Executive who shall determine whether to accept the proposed new Branch or not.
Persons or organisations considering setting up or becoming new Branches of NFA should contact our zVictorian President Tim Curmi call him on 0417 419765
Rules of NFA (Victoria) Inc (PDF download) is a sample constitution that could be used as a model for a new branch.